The Ultimate Horror (SCARY REAL)


I was walking down a dark alleyway near a Burger King. There seemed to be nobody around.
Earlier that day, I found an email reading "yo come down to the alleyway near that burger king and ill give you a free video game.", coming from an address of "". I had no idea who the hell had sent me that, but I lived in a rather trustworthy neighborhood so this kind of thing was of no real issue to me. I figured it was probably one of my friends.
Down that alleyway, all I could see was total darkness. "I guess I came late or something." I said. Carelessly, I walked back. However, the moment I turned around, a shady figure stood in front of me. I almost crapped myself. 
"Glad to see you made it." The mystery man said. He had a low tone to his voice. "So, what's this game you wanted to give me? And who are you anyways?" I said. He handed me what appeared to be a NES cartridge. It seemed to be a copy of Mega Man 2. "Uh. I already own this game." I replied. "Take it. You won't regret it." The man said with an assertive tone. He handed me the cart and walked away. I tried getting his attention and asking him why he gave this to me. He refused to answer me and acted as if he wasn't there.
I felt a bit queasy walking home. Who was that man? Why did he give me that? These thoughts raced in my head. After reading countless stories on the internet about strange cartridges, I did NOT want to play the cartridge. I wanted nothing to do with it. I placed in the shelf next to my other Mega Man 2 cartridge. I left it there for a few months. I rarely played my NES anyways, so I figured i'd probably never play it so it didn't bug me too much...
Or atleast, I thought it wouldn't.
Waking up the next morning, I got on my computer, I found another email.
"dude have you played the game yet if not play it already"
Same address. I glared at the cartridge again, but decided agaisnt playing it. I figured that if I wouldn't respond he would get tired and give up after a while.
Boy, was I wrong. Every day, I would get a message similar to the one seen above. "dude please respond." "please have you played it yet" "come on man play it". All of these messages in the same butchered English. Finally, I got annoyed and said "Fine. I'll play it.". I lied, however. I still didn't touch the cartridge. I figured that would shut him up.
"whats the first thing you see when you start up the game" I was responded to with.
"A copyright screen and the intro with the building." I said.
"dude ur lying that's not what comes up" he said a minute later.
"Yeah, it is. I already own the game, I told you that."
"u didn't play the game play it man"
"Fine. Holy crap."
Against my better judgment, I finally decided to play the damn thing. I hooked up my NES and nervously put the cartridge in. Nothing could prepare me for what I saw when I booted the game. No, it wasn't blood. It wasn't anything truly horrifying, but most certainly offputting and strange.
The screen was filled with a bunch of green numbers. After a bit of inspection they were in a pattern. "15243", repeated over and over.
I got back on my computer and emailed him the details of this. "ok dude now press a and b on the controler". I did.
The screen flashed as if I were on the stage select screen. I was greeted by the stage introduction screen. From the top of the screen fell a strange robot master. He looked like a strange blue franken-edit of Pharaoh Man or Knight Man or something. The former half of his name was a strange symbol. The "MAN" part remained intact. He didn't do an animation. He just stood still.
I was on edge at this moment. Was this character going to attempt to kill me in real life? Is it a spirit representation of someone? I had no clue. I didn't want to find out, but I figured there was no turning back at this point.
The moment the level started, I instantly recognized it as Heat Man's stage. But it was different. Very different. The entire palette was a deep blue. The lava that was normally in the pipe-like things was gone. The music was like Metal Man's theme, but not exactly the same. It was quite re-composed here and there, although keeping some similarites. It hit a border between "lazy" and "suprisingly catchy". The stage was similar to the original level, the you could walk through the pipes unharmed. It was like what would happen if Heat Man's level would've looked like without the... well... Heat. The enemies were a combination of enemies from other stages, including Heat Man's level. However, the Fire-Tosser things had no fire, and would throw nothing. They had become glorified road-blocks. All of the enemies had a color palette similar to what is seen in the stage. It gave a strange camoflauge-esque effect.
I got up to the scene with the giant gap and the dissapearing blocks. I absolutley suck at this part, and attempted to manage the blocks. I fell constanly and then died at the part without the pipe. After redoing the level, I decided to check out my inventory to see if I had anything of use. Turns out I had EVERY weapon and "Item" available! Even Atomic Fire! So I managed to get past the aforementioned scene with Item-2. I proceeded to get through the rest of the stage, and then I got up to the boss....
He was very, very difficult. He seemed to have VERY high intellengence, as if I was fighting a second player as opposed to a Mega Man boss. His attacks seemed endless. He could fire attacks from all of the game's bosses, a few generic buster shots, and he also fired these strange diagonal shots that would temporarily freeze Mega Man in place. I admit, I thought it was pretty cool.
I found it rather hard, however. He had fast reflexes and was a complete brute when it came to his attacks. It was pretty hard to hit him, and he could spam attacks at his will. I noticed his eyes would actually follow Mega Man around as if he was trying to focus on my movements. I died a few times, but finally managed it after a while.
After the boss's death, things started to get REALLY weird. I was sent to the "weapon get" screen. Everything seemed normal until the name of the weapon was revealed.
The same number shown on the "title" screen.  Mega turned into a darker shade of blue. The game froze for a few seconds.
The screen went black.
Text appeared on the screen.
A few seconds later, text began typing out on the bottom.
"OR ELSE...."
And in red text.
The game stuck on that screen. I couldn't do anything else and I had no idea what to make of the screen. I turned the NES off and put the cart back in the shelf.
I got back on my email and type the mysterious man back. "So I beat the game. What does this last screen mean?"
I linked him the last screen. A few moments back, I was given a message.
"do exactly what it says man pass on the game"
"Why should I?"
"you read the text. now that you beat the game hell be coming after you"
"What? Who?"
"you know who im talking about"
"You mean that robot master? How? It's just a video game character."
"thats what i thought too"
"Ha ha. Very funny." However, as I was typing this I was in a slight state of fear.
"u can laugh now man but u gotta pass that on"
"Nah. I'll be fine"
"dont say i didnt warn u"
Soon after, the power in my house went out. I jumped and nearly screamed. The power came back on shortly, thankfully.
However, my NES came back on.
On my TV on which it was hooked up to, the TV outputed the same screen as I saw last. The same ending screen as before, but already formed.
However, the "I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE" part began flashing.
The NES turned off by itself.
I heard a laugh.

creppypasta1.png|The screen I saw when I booted the game.
creppypasta2.png|? Man's intro.
creppypasta3.png|Going through the level.
creppypasta4.png|Fighting ? Man.
creppypasta5.png|I got... err...
creppypasta6.png|PASS ME ON